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Serving all writers since 1948

what you need to know for November 2019 Wisconsin Writers Association

Hey {Contact_First_Name},

Here are
10 things we thought were worth sharing this month with you!

  1. A Note from WWA President Barry Wightman.
  2. WWA Next Board Meeting November 6, 10:30 conference call
  3. Your Board of Directors Click Here
  4. Southeast Wisconsin Festival of Books, Waukesha CLICK FOR MORE INFO
  5. WWA Friends Announcements  Check it out.
  6. Need to Know Click here.
  7. WWA is A Proud Sponsor of the UW's Weekend with Your Novel Retreat. SEE HERE 
  8. Many new opportunities...check out all of this month's Contests!
  9. Member News. See what our busy members have been up to!  SEE MORE HERE
  10. Keep up with WWA Every Day! Follow Us on Facebook! Learn where to network with other WI Writers on WWA's Meetup Page!

Website Refresh

We've got a great public
website! Have you
noticed? Check it out at: wiwrite.org

Keep Up With Us


WWA Website

Barb's Editors Note: The WWA NewsBrief is about member accomplishments, writing events, and contests. It is delivered on the 25th of each month by email. I welcome your comments, suggestions, ideas, and yes, complaints.  Please send news bits for the December 2019 edition by November 20th to me, bjm.writer@gmail.com Thank you.


Access Links  To access web links inserted in this NewsBrief, click on blue text to jump to the referenced web link.

To download and print a copy of this NewsBrief, CLICK HERE.

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WWA Website News:  Send all requests for website changes, corrections, routine updates, and questions associated with the WWA website to Board Operations Chair, Kymberley Pekrul, kpekrul.editor@gmail.com.

Share your pride in WWA membership and promote the organization at the same time!   
Download badges to include in your email signature and other areas where you want to tell the world about your associations. Visit the WWA website to download your badge

Facebook: Keep up with WWA every day? Follow the WWA Facebook Page  https://www.facebook.com/WIWrite/ – Post your exciting writing news! Stay up with the pulse of what’s trending in today’s shifting marketplace. Network  with other members. Explore, learn, discover, connect, and keep up with authors.

Paid a visit to the  WWA website, yet?  You'll find tons of great information for writers. Check out the "Helpful Articles for Writers" page for a valuable list of  resources from industry experts. 

  A Note from WWA President Barry Wightman:

WWA President’s Message  
October 21, 2019

Just had two marvelous WWA Conferences in the last few weeks – one up in the great north land of Solon Springs, the other in Middleton, on the north shore of Lake Mendota near Madison. Over 160 writers gathered, networked, and learned a thing or two from many great speakers. All good. But now, your WWA Board is putting together event plans for 2020, winter, spring, the entire year.

So, here’s my question: where should these single-day conferences be? Northeast Wisconsin? Central Wisconsin? Southwest? What should these events be? Tell me.

Some will be simple things, like a one or two writer workshops on a Saturday morning at a library. Some will be author readings at indy bookstores, some will be bigger day-long events.

We’re here to serve you, our Wisconsin writers.

I’m looking for your suggestions. Places, agendas, topics. You name it. Email me.

One other thing, the UWM-Waukesha Southeast Wisconsin Festival of Books is November 1 – 2. It’s a fabulous, free event for book lovers and writers. Over seventy national, regional and local authors talking about books. Keynote is National Book Award nominee, Andre Dubus III, (House of Sand and Fog, and Gone So Long, (November 1, 7PM). A splendid time is guaranteed for all! http://www.sewibookfest.com/

Keep on writing. Again, tell me what you think.


  Meet Your Board

*New to Board   Visit the Board of Directors page for links to WWA Board Members.

Board Members Needed:  WWA, a registered 501 (c) 3, is managed by a Board of Directors and needs board member volunteers.  Board members focus on policy and long-range planning to fulfill our mission of supporting Wisconsin writers in achieving their individual writing goals. LEARN MORE or contact president Barry Wightman,   barrymwightman@gmail.com

Not ready for the board, consider volunteeringCheck out the opportunities

  Next WWA Board call or meetings:  conference call - Wednesday, November 6, 2019, 10:30 am. – WWA members are welcome to call in to the meeting as observers. For details, contact kpekrul.editor@gmail.com

WWA Business Membership Available: 
Promote your writing-related service business. Just $35 one-year annual membership for individuals who own/operate a business that provides related writing services may join WWA and secure a listing on the Business Member Profile Directory page of the WWA website.

Promote and Support Wisconsin Authors!

Order Your Copy of the WWA Creative Wisconsin Anthology Today!

The newest edition will have the winning and runner up entries of the 2019 Jade Ring Contest.

Order online: WWA Shop or
 by mail: send a $10 check to Kymberley Pekrul, W1347 Pit Road, Mount Calvary, WI 53057-9508 (please include the address to which to send the copy sent.

Writing Quote of the Month:

“The first draft is just telling yourself the story."   ~ Terry Pratchett, fantasy  novelist


Member News:

Got News? Send your member news by the 20th of each month for inclusion in the upcoming month’s WWA NewsBrief issue. Send to bjm.writer@gmail.com


The WWA Board sadly says good-by to two long time volunteers and board members. Karin Schmidt, former president and Jade Ring Contest manager, stepped aside when her term ended in October. Kim Suhr has also left the board this past month when her term ended. She was a member of the Executive Team, serving as treasurer, but she assures us that she will still be around and active in the organization. We bid fond farewells and heart felt THANK YOU!


Here's Nick Chiarkas, WWA board, as he greets writers interested in learning more about the WWA. He is one of many volunteers who share their time for small and large tasks. Volunteers choose the commitment that works best for them. Check out they many opportunities waiting for you!

Contact WWA president Barry Wightman, barrymwightman@gmail.com We grow and through growth are able to provide more benefits for our members! WE NEED YOU!

Calling Book Reviewers!

Book reviews are an important part of today’s book marketing plans. WWA would like to provide our members with a special service that meets reviewer and reviewee networking and support needs. Being a reviewer not only helps published authors, it provides an opportunity for the reviewer to develop his or her own platform and followers. Currently, we are in the exploratory phase of the program. I would like to have a pool of willing and eager reviewers ready before we officially begin. Reviewers will be expected to provide at least one review per year of at least 200 and no more than 400 words within six weeks of receiving a book, and post the review on at least two other sites. There will be an application which includes preferred genres and availability. You will be matched up by the book review coordinator. Simple guidelines and formatting procedures are provided. Authors who would like to be reviewed currently should be WWA members and, until we have a better idea of how many reviews we can handle, be limited to one review per year. This is a voluntary program. Reviewers will receive a book the author will provide. Please connect through the website under the Members tab, drop down to the Community tab, select Book Reviews under the Members Only section (you will need to sign in) or email lisalickel@hotmail.com.

 Launch: Jim Landwehr, WWA member, has two newly released books of poetry. Thoughts From A Line At The DMV, (Kelsay Press) was released in September and features over 50 poems. Genetically Speaking: poems on fatherhood, (Local Gems Press, October 2019) is a chapbook of over 30 poems that explores many facets of fatherhood and/or father figures. He is hosting a dual book launch at Cafe de Arts Roastery in Waukesha, on Saturday, November 23rd at 3:30 PM.

Jim is the current poet laureate for the Village of Wales, Wisconsin and served as a nonfiction judge for the 2019 Jade Ring Contest. For more on his writing, visit: http://jimlandwehr.com

Member Discount: Kim Suhr of Red Oak Writing is hosting a workshop on audiobooks on November 9th from 9:30 to noon. Kim is offering a 10% discount to WWA members for the upcoming workshop. Registration deadline is Monday, November 4th. Visit for more details: https://redoakwriting.com/understanding-audiobooks-a-new-chapter-for-writers/

Book Launch: Carol Pauer has announce that her first children's book, Isasnora Snores, will be released soon by Black Rose Writing. The book can be purchased before the release date by visiting the publisher's site,   https://www.blackrosewriting.com/teenya/isasnorasnores

Order before release date and receive a 15% discount. Type PREORDER2019 to receive discount. 

"Isasnora, exiled to the forest for her dangerously loud snoring, wants to return to her former kingdom to do battle against an evil ruler."


WWA forges relationships to help us better serve our membership, improve our organization's performance, and engage our professional networks.

WWA Affiliate Announcements:  WWA develops long-lasting partnerships between complementary organizations and businesses where a mutually beneficial relationship serves each organization's interests. WWA will consider proposals to work together or on events and projects but does not guarantee acceptance.

New from UW Continuing Studies Writing Program

  WWA is A Proud Sponsor of  UW's Weekend with Your Novel Retreat

November 9-11

Hurry! Make time for you and your writing! This annual retreat is small, affordable, and supportive. Meet other writers and return home with a weekend’s worth of new ideas, approaches, inspiration, and with new work. Work with an acclaimed novelist in a small group over three days, with time for writing, reading, and networking. Choose from eight workshops led by published writers who are also experienced teachers.

For more info contact Christopher Chambers, christopher.chambers@wisc.edu 
or phone 608-262-5095.
Visit Weekend with Your Novel website:  

NEW:  Online course badges and writing certificates
Earn badges and writing certificates in fiction and nonfiction using our online courses for your professional study. https://continuingstudies.wisc.edu/writing-badges-certificates/

We hope to see you this fall or online!  And of course, we’re here for questions anytime during the year, too. 

Madison Continuing Studies offers Writing Classes (in person and online): Manuscript critiques, writing retreats, and workshops. Prices and times vary. Check here for details: continuingstudies.wisc.edu/writing

Announcements from our WWA Friends:
WWA provides a monthly listing of non-sponsored, non-affiliate opportunities for its membership community. WWA shares this information solely as a service to its members.

Subscribe to Masters Review

 Find contests and other writing opportunities. Masters Review offers a quality platform for emerging writers.  Click here for details

Red Oak Writing offers programs for writers of all levels of ability and experience: Registration is open for Roundtable Critique Groups (online and in person), Craft & Publishing Workshops, and Youth Creative Writing Camps.

The Southeast Wisconsin Festival of Books, November 1-2, 2019, promises a wealth of opportunities for learning and listening.

A host of excellent speakers, topped off with Andre Dubus III, keynote novelist and Margaret Rozga, keynote poet.  

Dubus is author of New York Times bestselling novels, House of Sand and Fog, and The Garden of Last Days. Rozga is the Wisconsin Poet Laureate and authored several collections including 200 Nights and One Day, winner of the Bronze medal  in poetry from the 2009 Independent Publishers Book Awards. Learn more here.


Contests Listings WANTED! – Do you know of a contest that may be of interest to WWA Members? Submit contest details with deadlines to bjm.writer@gmail.com

WOW! Women On Writing Fall 2019 Flash Fiction Contest:  Short fiction of any genre, between 250 - 750 words. Deadline: November 30, 2019Entry: $10 entry fee; critique option for an additional $10. Limit: 300 entries. Electronic submissions via e-mail only; reprints, simultaneous submissions, and multiple submissions allowed, following posted guidelines.  https://www.wow-womenonwriting.com/contest.php

Freedom From Writing Grants and Fellowships for Writers: 
The Iowa Review: Prestigious literary magazine accepts poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and translations. There is no fee for mailed submissions. Deadline: November 30, 2019. 25 pages for prose, 8 pages for poetry (query for longer poems). Prose pays $0.08/word ($100 minimum), Poetry pays $1.50/ line ($40 minimum)Details here.

Copper Nickel  Prestigious literary journal publishes poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and translation folios,. Submission system can accept 1,800 submissions per month during a reading period.  Deadline: December  15, 2019. No length guidelines for fiction and non-fiction; 4-6 poems. Pays $30/page; $500 each in Editors’ Prizes for a poetry and a prose submission in each issue. Details here.

NaNoWriMoNovember is National Novel Writing Month

Get inspiration and find resources to complete the novel that has been rolling around in your head. The organization began in 1999 and now boasts 792, 168 active novelists and 367,913 completed novels, including Sara Gruen's bestselling Water for Elephants, written during NaNoWriMo.  Look for events in your area. Learn more about NaNoWriMo.

Do you have a story to tell from your own life?
Check out these opportunities: Personal Essays and Memoir

Looking for Freelance Work online?
Check out these sites: 

Upwork offers both short- and long-term projects, hourly or pay-per-project. 

Freelancer allows you to compete with other freelancers in contests to prove your skills. It’s a great way to find your niche and attract clients. 

Guru lets you showcase your past work experience and has a daily job-matching feature so you won't miss out on opportunities.

Freelance Writing Gigs: As the name implies, this site is specific to writers, editors, bloggers and others in the industry. 

FiverrA site for creative types, including writers. Name your service and price and businesses in need of content can contact you. Helps you build a platform and reputation. 

Make your writer friend one of us.
Give them the GIFT they'll LOVE You For!

Give a WWA Gift Membership TODAY!


Opportunities and Events:

Do you know of an event? Send event news by the 20th of each month for inclusion in the upcoming month’s WWA NewsBrief issue. Send to bjm.writer@gmail.com.

Do you live in southeast Wisconsin? The Kenosha Writers Guild meets at the beautiful Carthage College on the shores of Lake Michigan. See videos of members and their success and upcoming events at Kenosha Writers Guild.

Ever wondered where you can find writing opportunities, writing tools, and inspiration online? Wonder no more. The Write Life has compiled a list of the 2019 One Hundred Best Writing Websites. Join an online community of writers here.

Monthly Poetry Readings First Tuesday of each month at Suzy's Steakhouse in Portage WI; 6:00 - 8:00 pm. The group extends an invitation to Wisconsin Writers to attend or to request an opportunity to be a Featured Poet. The goal for each month is to have one male and one female Featured Poet and time for Open Mic. Contact June Paul at junegpaul@gmail.com to learn about current openings.

Writers Groups Writing is a solitary endeavor, but we can learn so much from fellow writers, sharing our works, listening to others share theirs improves our writing. Do you know of writers groups in your area that welcome new members? Share them with us, send your information to bjm.writer@gmail.com.  Let's work together!

Networking Opportunities:

Did you know that WWA is On Meetup? Yep, we’ve been on Meetup since November 2018. What’s Meetup you ask? It’s a new way for Wisconsin Writers to connect with writing groups and events around the state! Connect through Meetup with other writers you know from all over Wisconsin, learn about writing-related events that happen everywhere! WWA now has 210 Meetup members!  Meetup is a great member benefit coordinated by board member Adrienne Hulburt who regularly adds new conferences, events, and interesting writer events and anything else that gets thrown her way onto the WWA Meetup events calendar. Follow the link below to join WWA’s, Meetup Page! https://www.meetup.com/WisconsinWritersAssociation/

Publication Opportunities:

The Masters Review/New Voices – The Masters Review New Voices category is open year-round to any new or emerging author who has not published a work of fiction or narrative nonfiction of novel length. Authors with short story collections are free to submit. They accept simultaneous and multiple submissions but ask that you inform them immediately if your story is accepted elsewhere. They pay New Voices authors $0.10/word up to $200 and do not charge submission fees but are highly selective. To read previously published stories, or to submit a piece of fiction or narrative nonfiction up to 7000 words, please see the New Voices page of their website.

2019 WWA NewsBrief Submission Deadline Calendar:

To help WWA Members and our Partner Groups & Organizations schedule submissions for inclusion in the WWA NewsBrief, we’ve put together a handy Issue/Deadline Reference (see below) for the upcoming year. Feel free to print and keep the reference in a convenient place to schedule your news submissions.

Please note that the November and December NewsBrief is combined into one issue. Also, the January NewsBrief has an earlier December submission deadline to allow for timely distribution to members before Christmas week each year.

  • January NewsBrief 2020 - Deadline Friday, December 13, 2019
  • February NewsBrief 2020 - Deadline Monday, January 20, 2020
  • March NewsBrief 2020 - Deadline Thursday, February 20, 2020
  • May NewsBrief 2019 - Deadline Saturday, April 20, 2019
  • April NewsBrief 2020 - Deadline Friday, March 20, 2020
  • May NewsBrief 2020 - Deadline Monday, April 20, 2020
  • June NewsBrief 2020 - Deadline Wednesday, May 20, 2020