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Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Check our FAQs below. If you still aren't able to find the answers you're looking for, email Ken at 

Q: Do I need to be a published author to join WWA? 
A: No! WWA is for ALL writers, from the novice to the professional. Join here. 

Q: Do I need to be a resident of Wisconsin to join WWA? 
A: No. Our members come from all over. 

Q: What are the WWA member benefits? 
A: You can find a full list of all the WWA member benefits here

Q: I'm looking for a local writing group in my area. Can WWA help me find one?
A: Yes! We have a list of local writing groups on our site. Click here to find the best group for you. 

Q: I'd like to take the step to publish my work. Can WWA help me with that? 
A: We sure can! Click here to find our ever changing list of calls for submissions and other publishing opportunities. 

Q: I'd like to have my book reviewed by WWA. How do I do that? 
A: Contact our book review coordinator here.

Q: I'd like to become a book reviewer for WWA. How do I do that? 
A: Contact our book review coordinator here

Q: I'd love to teach a workshop for WWA, how do I go about doing that? 
A: We're always looking for exciting new speakers. If you've got a craft workshop you've been honing or just think you would make a great speaker for one of our upcoming events, let us know. When you pitch, please make sure to include a detailed outline of your workshop, where (or if) you've presented it before, and why you think you would be a good fit for us. Pitch us here. 

Q: How can I make sure my membership is active? 
A: You should have received an email warning you that your membership was about to lapse. Check your inbox and your spam. You can also check this by searching for your profile or simply email Ken at 

Q: I signed up for an online event but didn't receive a Zoom link, what's the deal?
A: We do not send Zoom links until 24 hours prior to the event. If for some reason you still don't receive one make sure to first check your spam and then send an email to 

Q: Does WWA give refunds for missed events? 
A: No. WWA does not offer refunds for events missed. 

Wisconsin Writers Association

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